On the World Wide Woof!
Welcome, or welcome back to my web site! I am Betsy, a five year old buff cocker spaniel who lives with my Mom and Dad in Connecticut and New York City. I attended Puppy Kindergarten and Basic Obedience 101 and 202 and passed with flying colors. (Mom framed by diplomas and they are hanging in my room.) Recently I received my Canine Good Citizen Award!! Click here and find out all about it. I started tracking lessons up in New Paltz, New York (click here to find out all about that), and am even learning how to swim (click here to find out all about that! ) I also hope to get certified in tracking soon and obtain my TD title. My latest venture has been into agility training. Except for that noisy teeter, I am loving every minute. My trainer for tracking is Sarah Wilson, and my trainer for water sports is Deborah Lee Miller-Riley. I go everywhere with Mom, including on jobs, for haircuts and manicures, both hers and mine, to the bank, Starbucks and the drug store, and to lots of pet stores.
I even fly on Mom and Dad's small airplane. It is great to have my own seatbelt and seat! My favorite is Seat 3B.
Sometimes I even help my Dad do the pre-flight. In case he forgets to remove the chocks, I will bark and let him know.
I was on television, Channel 12 Pet Talk, with Lauren Collier, talking about my web site and how to create a pet web site. We had a wonderful time!
I did a
photo-shoot for Halloween for Village Critter
Outfitter with the Stamford
Advocate. Little did I know that I would appear on the front page of
not only the Stamford Advocate, but also the Greenwich Time.
Jetta and I have also been doing some modeling of holiday sweaters and games and we thought we looked sensational here!
Aunt Lauren invited me and Jetta to appear on her television show as wedding guests in a special about including your pets in your wedding. We were very well behaved.
For some reason, everyone loves me. It must be my little tail that just keeps wagging because I am so happy! Thanks for stopping by---and thank you for all the e-mails and pictures-- |